How to Rename the Recycle Bin in Regedit – Windows XP

How to Rename the Recycle Bin
First go to “start” then “run”
and type in “regedit”
go to “hkey_classes_root” then go to “CLSID” and click it
then go down intill you see a
folder named
{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} click it
on “LocalizedString” double click it and rename it what you want
then exit then go to your screen and press F5 And It Should Show it Changed
to get it back to normal type in this “@%SystemRoot%system32SHELL32.dll,-8964″
and it should be back to normal if not press F5 and it shoul be back to normal.

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Tag: .shellclassinfo localizedresourcename=@ systemroot system32 shell32.dll -21787, Computer, Hacks, Helton, XP, Vista, Hack, Rename, The, Recycle, Bin, technology, Hacking, Tricky, Desktop, Trick, Prank, Funny

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